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A Passion For All Things Queens

Queens Borough Historian Jack Eichenbaum, standing in front of "Big Mama."
The historian at home.
The historian at home. (Photo by Kathleen Horan)
Eichenbaum displays old family photos and seashells from his travels.
Eichenbaum displays old family photos and seashells from his travels. (Photo by Kathleen Horan)
Eichenbaum holding one of his prized Scrabble trophies, won at a tournament by the Dead Sea.
Eichenbaum holding one of his prized Scrabble trophies, won at a tournament by the Dead Sea. (Photo by Kathleen Horan )
Eichenbaum’s neighborhood of Flushing is green -- surprisingly so, to some.
Eichenbaum’s neighborhood of Flushing is green -- surprisingly so, to some. (Photo by Kathleen Horan)
Signs along Main Street speak to the diverse people who shop there.
Signs along Main Street speak to the diverse people who shop there. (Photos by Kathleen Horan)
A neighborhood game of Chinese checkers.
A neighborhood game of Chinese checkers. (Kathleen Horan)