30 Issues | Is The Debt Really A Crisis?
30 Issues Data: How Much Does US Debt Concern You?
As part of the Brian Lehrer Show's 30 Issues in 30 Days series, the WNYC Data News team is designing interactive visualizations, tools and graphics to illuminate the data behind the i... Sep 25, 2012
30 Issues: Is The Debt Really A Crisis?
30 Issues in 30 Days is our election year series on the important issues facing the country this election year. Today: The actual significance of the national debt and how it might pl... Sep 25, 2012
Debt in State Government Hits Fever Pitch
At the state level, exploding fiscal debt comes as Washington is on a to dramtically cut discretionary domestic spending on local aid.
Jun 26, 2012 -
Old World Economic Ills
Luigi Zingales, University of Chicago economist and the author of A Capitalism for the People: Recapturing the Lost Genius of American Prosperity, argues the U.S. economy is in danger... Jun 7, 2012
Paul Krugman: Super Committee Failure is a Good Thing
Recap from It's A Free Country Paul Krugman says we need to leave Social Security and Medicare alone, raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans, and get over our fear of government spe... Nov 28, 2011
Debt Committee Impasse May Keep Deficit Talks Going Through 2013
If they find anything [by the deadline], it's going to be window dressing...I think they could come up with something, but not anywhere near the level most economists say needs to hap... Nov 14, 2011
Why Should We Worry About Deficits Anyway?
We are not going to be able to get our fiscal house in order until we deal with our unemployment problem... The real issue is getting our economy back on track.Nov 10, 2011 -
Breaking Down Obama's Deficit Reduction Proposal
[It's as if Obama said,] Republicans don't want to compromise right now, so I'm going to come out with a plan that's closer to what I would actually want if I could do whatever I want... Sep 19, 2011
The Politics of Deficit Reduction
Now, the Republicans are becoming so radicalized. They actually do want to repeal the social contract of the 20th century so that's what the next election is going to be about, thes... Apr 14, 2011
Progressive Deficit Reduction
Joseph Stiglitz, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, Columbia University professor, and author of Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy joins Robe... Dec 6, 2010