Adjusting to Home: Recent Vets Return
To Combat Suicides, Army Focuses On The Homefront
Military suicides hit a record high in 2012, and the Army has been the hardest-hit branch. Its prevention efforts have included everything from a buddy system to 24-hour hotlines. Now... Jan 25, 2013
Veterans Take Stock of 2012, Look Forward to 2013
It’s been more than a year since U.S. forces withdrew from Iraq, and for many veterans the last twelve months have been spent readjusting to life on the homefront. As 2012 draws to a ... Dec 31, 2012
Suicide Hotline Fights To Keep Vets And Troops Alive
For the first time in a decade of war, more active-duty troops took their own lives this year than died fighting in Afghanistan. The national suicide hotline is one way the Department... Dec 28, 2012
For Veterans, The Wait For Disability Claims Grows Longer
The Department of Veterans Affairs wanted to reduce a backlog in veterans' claims for disability benefits. Instead, the problem has worsened this year, in part, the VA says, because t... Dec 27, 2012
Vets Group Receives $200,000 to Help 1,000 Vets
A local veterans organization has received a $200,000 grant from the anti-poverty group Robin Hood Foundation. The Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America is using the money to hire ... Dec 23, 2012
Through Meditation, Veterans Relearn Compassion
The epidemic of post-traumatic stress disorder has pushed the VA to explore new and sometimes unorthodox treatments. In one VA facility in Menlo Park, Calif., veterans of current and ... Nov 21, 2012
Opportunities Emerge For Vets In Tough Job Market
One of the challenges veterans face is that their military skills sometimes don't come with certifications that private employers recognize. Several associations and companies are try... Nov 12, 2012
Battered But Not Broken, Vets Seek 'High Ground'
Eleven climbers, all scarred in some way by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, tackle a Himalayan climb in Michael Brown's documentary. Nov 1, 2012
Vet Walks On New Legs, With A Little Help From Mom
On a foot patrol in Kandahar, Nick Staback lost both of his legs after he stepped on a homemade bomb. Over the next year, his mother, Maria, became a tough coach as he learned to walk... Oct 24, 2012
Vets Seek Specifics On How Candidates Would Help
Military veterans across the country have a whole range of concerns this election season, from the high rate of suicide to special challenges for female vets. But like everyone else, ... Oct 16, 2012